In Conversation: Judith Simonian and David Cohen  

Saturday, November 12th, 4 – 6 PM. 
Open to the public

Please join us to listen to artist Judith Simonian, whose survey exhibition PLUSH is on view in the gallery through January 9, 2023, discuss her work with David Cohen.

Cohen is the publisher and editor of  He has been active as an art critic, independent scholar, exhibition curator, and panel moderator since the 1980s, in London, where he was born, and from the 1990s in New York, where he now lives.

 The curators, Elizabeth Heskin, Tracey Ravdin Perlmutter and Patricia Spergel of Heskin Projects, will be at the gallery at 3:30 if anyone wants to come a little early to walk through the show.

In conversation: Manuela Filiaci and Carlo McCormick

Monday, December 9, 6-8pm
free admission, refreshments served

It is a little known art historical fact that Manuela Filiaci, in addition to being a fantastic painter, is also a natural storyteller. No doubt, she is less than two degrees of separation from everyone you’ve ever known or wanted to know, and she has a good story to tell about each one of them. Add to her vast reservoir of experience the cultural critic, curator and former senior editor of Paper magazine, Carlo McCormick, who was the force behind the award winning exhibition The Downtown Show: the New York Art Scene from 1974 to 1984 at NYU’s Grey Art Gallery, and you have the promise of a fascinating evening of discourse mixing insight into Filiaci’s current mini-retrospective at 1GAP, which exhibits artworks ranging back to 1974, and McCormick’s expertise regarding the New York downtown scene of the 70s and 80s.

Please join us for art viewing, conversation, and drinks.

Sense of Place

Opening Reception Friday May 10, 6-9PM

The Review Panel

After Party Tuesday June 4, 9-10PM